Tuesday 9 June 2009

ParisJUG, Coding The Architecture, Ubuntu and Tube Strike

Today was a really hectic day, but fun! Started day with a chat with Matthew of Formos, to discuss the next session of Howard Lewis Ship's Tapestry course which we are organising for July. Really nice guys at Formos and the Tapestry course a good new addition to our curriculum.

Had lunch with Antonio Goncalvez, who is currently attending our Coding The Architecture Workshop, which he will be teaching in Paris, France soon hopefully. He said he liked the course and interactivity in particular, thinking about how to adjust the course to french culture...Nice lunch, heard a bit more about the plans of the Paris Java User group, which he co-founded: they now regularly have 200 attendees! Agreed Antonio will send us video's of sessions directly to Skills Matter, so that we can edit and publish straight away (or at least within 3 days)! We're going to try and organise talk by Eric Evans at the ParisJUG for next Monday, will be tight but should be possible!

Had a meeting with Greg (MuleSource) and Susan (Ricston) about how we can all work together to better support the Mule developer community in the UK. Thinking of organising a Mule User Group, meeting monthly at Skills Matter and hopefully getting Ross Mason to come over now and then to speak. Great to meet Susan, after speaking years over the phone only, she looked sooo differently than I imagined :-).

After Greg left, had a meeting with Susan on how we can support and grow Android community, talked about the Android User Group here in London, (next session of the Android UG is this Thursday), and our forthcoming Developing Mobile Applications with Android course, which we are launching with Ricston in London on July 22nd.

Had a chat with Chris Brown too, one of the Linux/Ubuntu experts who will be teaching our new Ubuntu courses from July... Very nice guy, looking forward to working with him! Really excited about working with Canonical and launching Ubuntu courses full stop!

At the end of the day, had really nice chat with David Anderson about Kanban and how we can work together to support Kanban community in UK. Looking forward to working with David Anderson, as well as David Joyce, David Laribee and Martine Devos (seems to be high density of Davids involved in Kanban stuff)...

We've had to prospone the next Kanban User Group meeting (at BBC Worldwide) to the 25th of June, due to the tubestrike...

Not looking forward to tubestrike tomorrow, hope tonights Coding The Architecture User Group event got enough delegates, despite the tubestrike...

Monday 8 June 2009

Domain Driven Design eXchange next week

We've got the programme and day all organised for next week's Domain Diven Design eXchange! Eric Evans will fly in a bit earlier, to deliver free In-the-Brain sessions in Paris and Poznan to our french and polish communities respectively.

At the same time,Gojko Adzic and Alberto Brandolini will be teaching Eric's 4-day workshop on domain driven design at Skills Matter here in London. On Friday, the Domain Diven Design eXchange! will feature, Eric Evans, Gojko, Alberto and also Phil Wills, from the Guardian website who will be talking about how they used DDD at the Guardian, and Dan Haywood about Naked Objects. As with all our events, it is promising to be a nice intimate affair, with lots of interaction between speakers and attendees, so lots of room for discussion and exchange of ideas!

Hope the weather is going to be nice and we can have lunch outside on the church yard!